Monday 25th November 

 “The widow’s mite 

Luke 21:1-4

Jesus is challenging us to put our whole trust in God’s providence like a child who is totally dependent on his parents. Just like the poor widow, let us be ready to sacrifice what we have for the glory of God, knowing that He will provide for all our needs. Let us put God first in everything we do, and let God, in His mercy and grace, do everything for us. 

 We are called to offer not just our extras but everything we have because nothing is ours anyway. The actual amount we give is not as important as the generosity of our hearts. Let us give with joy and thanksgiving in our hearts, for God loves the joyful giver. All that we have come from the generosity of our Father in heaven, who loves us unconditionally. The trust of the poor widow was seen by Jesus. Jesus admires the poor widow because she gave her all. The poor widow gave her all from the wholeness of her body, spirit, and soul. How is God asking you to live by giving your all? 


Weekly Reading 7