Sunday 10th of November
“This poor widow has put in more than all.”
Mark 12:38-44
Are we giving to be seen, or are we giving from the heart? This is the question we are invited to reflect on today. What motivates us to give, serve and go out to others? Is it love or something else? The poor widow in this passage was motivated by love to give her two last coins, all she had to live on. We can only give “all” if we are motivated by love.
It is easy to give from our extra, surplus wealth, health, strength or time. But to give up and sacrifice from the very little we have requires love. Let us recall a time when our love has come at a cost to us. How did we feel? When we give from our heart, even though it comes at a personal cost to us, we experience a profound sense of joy and peace, knowing that we are living out our identity as children of God.
So today, let us be this “poor widow” who gave everything, trusting that God would not be outdone in generosity.