Our spirituality finds its source in Sacred Scripture, the tradition of the Church and in the teachings of the Church. At the heart of our spiritual life we place the dwelling of the Trinity within us as one of the principal fountains for the nature of our spiritual life. Other significant sources of our spirituality are found in, the Eucharist, the reality of the Mystical Body of Christ, and Mary, our Mother.
The Trinity living within us is our first home and it is the place where the children of God are born. The Holy Trinity and how they love one another is the model for our communities.
The Eucharist takes on a special meaning in that it is the place where we are united in the Lord and where we can become One in Him. Receiving the Eucharist means to nourish ourselves with the love of Christ in the Eucharistic meal and in this way be able to become a brother or sister to all people, creating in this way a universal fraternity. Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist is also for Verbum Dei an important part of our spirituality. It is before the tabernacle where we pray with the Word and translate and transform into life the truths of our faith that we should propagate to all people.
But our spirituality can not be self focused or self-centred our dialogue with the Trinity and the love we receive through the different persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit lead us to look at our brothers and sisters and to apply our whole being to them. We feel compelled to apply ourselves completely to the crucified Christ of today, the Mystical Body of Christ. It is this reality of the “total Christ”, head and members that are the daily backdrop or setting for our daily prayer. Keeping this in mind every day, our daily prayer takes on a new shape and meaning. The reality of the wounded Christ in our brothers and sisters around the world, takes on our whole being in such a way that we feel more compelled than ever to dedicate ourselves full time to our mission of preaching. The Christ of today is our main reason and primary cause of our vocation, mission and contemplative-active life.
Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, will always occupy a unique and indispensable and a very special place in Verbum Dei. Mary walks with us in our missionary work, and helps us to keep the faith and joy throughout any difficulties or challenges. It was Mary, our Mother who nurtured Jesus in His life and who forms Jesus in us and our brothers and sisters.