Monday 14th of October 

“As Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be a sign.”

Luke 11:29-32

Today’s passage shows us how frequently we ask God for proof; at times, we are even arrogant enough to demand proof of his existence and his love. Jesus reprimands the crowd, telling them that firstly, one must always have faith in God and his plan even when we do not understand all that happens around us. Secondly, if a person desires proof, all he must do is look around, and surely he shall find it. Finally, despite our arrogance and demands, if we repent, God shall always forgive.

Let us pray to God to grant us the gift of discernment that we may see the signs and wonder of His presence in our life and that we may be able to witness all the good things He is doing in the life of others as well as in the world. Let us also have the humility to repent for the unfaithfulness of the world. It is imperative we pray that our faith in Jesus will grow with each passing day. Is Jesus enough of a sign for us? Or do we desire something more visible or tangible?

Weekly Reading 7