Tuesday 8th of October

“God called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son to me.”

Galatians 1:13-24

St Paul did not meet Jesus in the flesh, but he still saw himself as an apostle. Jesus came to him once in the spirit at Damascus and it changed his life. The other apostles spent 3 years with Jesus and then initially mainly evangelised Jewish people. We can relate to St Paul because God called him through His grace to proclaim Jesus among the Gentiles. God is calling us in the same way today.

Australia is very multicultural and we have great opportunities to evangelise here. We meet people from more backgrounds every day than some of the apostles met in their whole lives. St Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles and he reached out to them through his travels and through his use of his intellectual gifts and his understanding of their cultures. St Paul, please help us to use you as our example to reach out to people from all backgrounds and share our faith. Jesus, please reveal yourself to us so that people can come to know you through us and glorify God.

Weekly Reading 1