Sunday 29th of September 

 “Do not stop anyone from working a miracle in my name.”

Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

Sometimes, we can be tempted to think that we belong to an exclusive church with total ownership of the truth and the good. However, Jesus makes it clear that the Spirit of God is also at work outside of the church, in society, and the world. Therefore, He says we must not stop anyone from doing good. On the contrary, we should be happy when we see others doing good deeds rather than criticising them. How do we welcome the good that others are doing today? Let us pay attention to the good others are doing around us, their acts of kindness, patience and love.

Today, we might talk to Jesus about the good he is inviting us to do in his name, at home, at work, in the shops, and on public transport. Lord, help us live, move in, and act in your name today.

2024-09-29 Weekly Reading 6